Acupuncture is a Chinese health practice in which very thin sterile needles are inserted to specific points on the body. It is based on the Chinese theory that a form of vital energy called Qi (Chee) circulates in the body through a system of channels called meridians. The acupuncture points are located on the surface of the body at very specific locations along the meridians. These points are connected to the meridians and to internal organs and each point affects different functions of the body.
How does Acupuncture work?
This form of ancient medicine believes that an illness occurs when something interrupts the smooth flow of Qi (stagnation) or unbalances it. By the insertion of needles to those points one can readjust the flow of Qi, open the blockage and rebalance it.
Scientific studies revealed that Acupuncture induces biochemical changes in the body through the nervous and hormonal systems which can be used to treat a wide variety of health issues.
How more can Acupuncture help me?
Here are some of the commonly treated conditions:
- Chronic /Acute Pain
- Stress
- Insomnia (sleep disorder)
- Anxiety
- Asthma
- Allergies
- Constipation and diarrhea
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
- Headaches / Migraines
- Weight loss
- And more…
Studies on acupuncture and fertility had found that acupuncture treatments are useful for improving pregnancy success rate.
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) view infertility differently than the Western medicine. The chinese medicine theory reffer to the body as one complete harmonized system that fertility is only one part of it. Often, a qualified practitioner will relate to the imbalance in other systems of the body in order to create fertile ground for pregnancy. In Chinese medicine point of view, women who are trying to conceive should have healthy and strong Qi energy (life energy), balanced Yin and Yang and good circulation of energy and body fluids.
Treating infertility with acupuncture differs from one woman to another. Age, previous pregnancies, life-style habits (exercise, sleep etc.), nutrition and other factors like stress will influence the treatment process. During acupuncture for fertility sessions tiny needles are inserted to essential meridian channels that have significant influence on women fertility (such as the liver, kidneys, spleen and heart meridians). In the sessions the practitioner will use different diagnosis tools that include obtaining the medical background by asking the right questions, feeling the pulse and observing the tongue. Acupuncture and fertility can also come together with chinese herbal therapy and the combination has been found to be very effective.
Chinese Herbal Remedies
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) relies on herbal therapy for treatment of illness and prevention of disease. There are thousands of medicinal substances and each substance has a different quality which will create its unique reaction in the body. Those different herbs are combined together to create thousands of formulas that can treat almost every possible condition and symptoms in the body. The Chinese herbal remedies prescribed are very individualized and a qualified TCM Practitioner will often change the classic formula in order to suit the condition and constitution of the specific patient.