Acupuncture For Fertility & Women’s Health
Getting pregnant might take longer than expected. During this challenging period of time, many women tend to live in month to month cycles of hope and disappointment. In addition to the physiological difficulties, this experience could increase different emotions like stress, anger, guilt, frustration, sorrow, shame and isolation.
Acupuncture & Chinese Herbal Medicine is the classic combination to improve fertility, deal with your emotional and physical fertility issues and provide help to conceive.
Acupuncture and fertility offers reproductive acupuncture for women who are trying to maximize their natural potential to conceive and enhance ovulation.
Women who are trying to get pregnant through different ART procedures, such as IVF/IUI/egg donation, can increase fertility success rate by our specific IVF acupuncture protocols and custom made Chinese herbs for fertility.
At Acupuncture for Fertility clinic you will be treated by a licensed – registered Acupuncturist & Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner (RAc, RTCMP).
Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) offers the classic combination of Acupuncture and Herbal Therapy for dealing with your infertility issues. Acupuncture For Fertility Clinic’s goal is to help women and men to maximize their natural fertile potential and/or provide support through Assisted Reproductive Treatments (ART – such as IVF/IUI/Egg Donation).
So what does Chinese Medicine have to do with fertility?
Balance your fertility hormonal level
Increase blood flow to the uterus and create a thick-rich lining for the fetus to grow in
Improve blood flow to the follicle and ovaries and their function
Reduce the level of stress
Strengthen your immune system
Reduce medications side effects
Acupuncture and Chinese herbs can help nourish, strengthen and support your vital Qi energy, Fluids, and internal organs and thus to optimize your possibility to conceive. Acupuncture For Fertility is here to offer you and your partner a way to improve fertility in a warm, positive and supportive environment where you can safely go through this journey.
Women’s Health
Throughout life, every woman experiences many changes in her body as she goes through the different stages of life from puberty through the fertile stage till menopause. The constant changes can find their expressions in a woman’s body, hormonal levels and emotional state. Chinese Medicine’s different modalities have been used to treat women health issues for centuries. Acupuncture and Chinese herbs are effective and safe ways for treating different problems relating to the well being of women.
Here are some of the issues that can be addressed:
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome
Heavy Periods
Irregular Menstruation
Pre-Menstrual Syndrome
Unexplained Infertility
Absent Menstruation
Poor Egg Quality
Mood Swings