Acupuncture & Chinese Herbal Medicine
Lilah Shakarov is a Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioner and a Senior Shiatsu Therapist. She is a member
Lilah’s personal story dealing with infertility led her seeking for a natural solution with the help of Chinese medicine.
The significant changes in her body which eventually led to healthy pregnancies created her passion to help other women dealing with infertility and support them through those challenging procedures.
She has been working in western and eastern fertility clinics and acquired in-depth understanding of women’s health, infertility causes and related procedures such as IUI, IVF and Egg Donation.
Besides mastering the art of acupuncture and custom made herbal remedies, Lilah offers her clients a variety of therapeutic methods which include cupping, moxibustion, gua-sha, auriculotherapy (ear needling) and electro-acupuncture. Achieving an accurate diagnosis is the key for successful treatment results that she accomplishes by asking the right questions and using pulse, tong and abdomen diagnosis. Lilah has a track record treating different orthopedic issues, chronic pain, headaches / migraines, stress, anxiety, allergies, sleeping disorders, digestion problems and more.
Lilah believes in taking her patients into a journey where they can learn more about themselves and what makes them healthier and happier. She encourages her clients to be involved in their healing process by explaining the principles of treatment and guiding them towards improved nutrition and lifestyle habits.